
Size Guarantee

Customers can try glasses on with a super realistic fit!

The Size Guarantee feature allows users to try glasses on with assurance that the size of the frame is accurate on their face. 


social media

Enable try-ons
with a lifelike fit

e commerce

Reduce product
return rate


Increase customers trust
and conversion rate

How is the size of the face determined?

3 options based on known/unknown user information:

Option 1


With general Pupillary Distance average stats 

SG 1

Statistical accuracy (unknown user information)


Option 2


With gender Pupillary Distance average stats 
(API available to integrate)

SG 2

More precise statistical accuracy


Option 3



With known Pupillary Distance
(API available to integrate)

SG 3

Perfect accuracy


Easy Implementation

No integration is required for option 1 (default mode).

To go further, you can set up a personalized display based on two other options (complementary integration needed): 

  • Option 2 : Users provide their gender

  • Option 3 : Users provide PD/ or the PD data will be retrieved if they are already registered

How close to reality is virtual try-on?


Check out our live & ultrarealistic Virtual Try-On technology
with the Size Guarantee


Request a free demo, a free quote or set up an appointment with one of our sales representatives.