
All there is to know about the list of changes applied to the product

VERSION 10.6.2 - 2024-25-06


General behavior

Remove the current frame when an unavailable frame is requested in order to disambiguate the “frame not available” popup message

VERSION 10.6.1 - 2024-11-06


UI element

Fix an issue where the text in the photo mode landing screen was improperly displayed when the size of the container changed.

VERSION 10.6.0 - 2024-27-05


UI element

Fix an issue where unavailable frames popup would remain displayed after switching to cached available frames


General behavior

The callback onStopVto is now also triggered when the VTO is stopped while in Photo mode, to ensure coherency in handling the module’s visibility

VERSION 10.5.5 - 2024-06-05


Internal changes

Fix an issue where the VTO would not restart when stopped during the starting protocole


General behavior

Configure the photo file picker on Mac to allow only supported file formats

VERSION 10.5.4 - 2024-26-04


Internal changes

Tracking of internal states

VERSION 10.5.3 - 2024-25-04



Add a detectionFailed parameter in the onIssue callback to get notified when the user is not detected in the camera stream



Fix an issue where the onSnapshot callback was erroneously triggered on start-up

VERSION 10.5.2 - 2024-22-04


Internal changes

Fix typing error in Italian (it) localization

VERSION 10.5.1 - 2024-18-04


Internal changes

Recover the previous format for the version logging message in console

VERSION 10.5.0 - 2024-15-04


Internal changes

Change the version logging message type from warning to standard

VERSION 10.4.3 - 2024-04-04


Internal changes

Partial update for several languages (Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish)

VERSION 10.4.2 - 2024-03-28


Internal changes

Update of the VTO internal engine

VERSION 10.4.1 - 2024-03-27


Internal changes

Fix missing translations for French (fr) localization


Internal changes

Fix an issue where iPad OS versions were not properly parsed with regards to the list of compatibility

VERSION 10.4.0 - 2024-03-12


Instance method

restartVto, a method to restart the VTO after it aborted, for instance when the detection protocole failed


Internal changes

Add full support of Arabic (ar) localization


Internal changes

Add full support of Bulgarian (bg) localization


Internal changes

Add full support of Swedish (sv) localization


Internal changes

Add full support of Ukrainian (uk) localization


Internal changes

Update of localization for the policy as well as issues-related messages for supported languages


General behavior

Add a warning message in console when calling a method without the correct number of parameters


General behavior

Officially remove the support of all iOS 14 versions which run into a WebAssembly-related issue



Fix an issue where the onModeLive and onModePhoto callbacks were not trigger


UI element

Fix an issue where parts of the UI did not react to click events in Photo mode

VERSION 10.3.0 - 2024-02-19


Internal changes

Add a constraint to make sure that the front-facing (user-facing) camera is used.


UI element

On start-up, the restart UI element is not displayed anymore during the start-up protocol.


General behavior

Fix an issue where the pupillary distance was not taken into account in Photo mode.

VERSION 10.2.2 - 2024-01-25


General behavior

Fix an issue where the Frame Removal would not start even with valid conditions.

VERSION 10.2.1 - 2024-01-25


General behavior

Removed unnecessary processings in photo mode.


Internal changes

Adjustment of the number of retry when the user face tracking is lost.


UI element

Fix an issue where the button to switch to photo mode when the device is not compatible for live did not respond to user click.

VERSION 10.2.0 - 2024-01-05



onIssue, a callback triggered when an issue is impairing the user experience, with related information.


General behavior

Faceshape analysis returns a matching score for each face shapes available.


UI element

“Invalid apikey” pop-up, which indicates when the VTO module is initialized with an invalid apikey.


UI element

Issue-related pop-ups (invalid apikey, poor connection, unavailable frames) can be disabled.


UI element

Standardization of UI elements to be identified with a common data-style attribute.


Internal changes

VTO module version is logged in console in a log titled : VTO Advanced (Fitmix) : v. x.y.z


General behavior

Guard on stopVto to avoid useless processings when the VTO is already stopped


General behavior

Feedback when no camera is available to start a live try-on experience

VERSION 10.1.0 - 2023-12-07

improved Callback onPhotoRender, a callback triggered when a requested photo VTO render has been processed, with related information.
improved Internal changes Adjustment on the delay of the recovering process when the tracking of the face is lost.
15-fixed UI element Fix an issue where the disclaimer was not correctly displayed.
15-fixed UI element Fix an issue where the photo render was not correctly displayed below a certain width of the container.

VERSION 10.0.3 - 2023-11-30

added Callback onStopVto, a callback triggered after the call to `stopVto` once the module has been properly stopped.
15-fixed General behavior Fix an issue where the camera handle was not released when using the integrated pop-up mode.
15-fixed General behavior Fix an issue where the Frame Removal module was not correctly applied.
15-fixed Internal changes Fix an issue where analytics-related events were not triggered properly.
improved UI element The threshold for the "Poor connection" pop-up to be displayed has been raised to 2000ms.
improved UI element Specific internal calls (not impairing the user experience) are now ignored with regards to the "Poor connection" pop-up.

VERSION 10.0.2 - 2023-11-22

15-fixed General behavior Fix an issue where the Frame Removal was trying to be processed even if the device performances were too low.
improved General behavior Cleaning of repetitive logs in the console.

VERSION 10.0.1 - 2023-11-16

15-fixed General behavior Fix an issue when referencing the instance in the VueJS framework.
added Internal changes New analytics-related information.

VERSION 10.0.0 - 2023-11-07

improved General behavior

The VTO does not start directly after instantiation. The instantiation leads to the module being loaded, and is then managed to start and stop a virtual try-on experience.

added Instance method

startVto(), a method to start the virtual try-on experience.

added Instance method

stopVto(), a method to stop the virtual try-on experience.

added UI element

Elements liveLoadingIndicator and photoLoadingIndicator have been merged into one unique loadingIndicator.

Replacement effective in both the uiConfiguration parameter and the onUiStatus callback data structure.

improved Parameter frame, a frame identifier which works with all types of identifiers (EAN, GTIN, UPC, SKU)
removed Parameter sku, replaced by frame
improved Instance method addCss(), instead of previously setCss()
removed Instance method setCss(), replaced by addCss() method
removed Instance method setInitializeOptions
removed Instance method getVersion
removed Instance method clearFrameInfo
removed Instance method getFrameDataBySku
removed Instance method setFramesPatternCoordinates
removed Instance method setFramesPatternAvatar
removed Instance method remove
removed Instance method getStatus
removed Instance method resetLive
removed Instance method completeProfile
removed Instance method resetDetection
removed Instance method setVideoGrabber
removed Instance method setVideoSequence
removed Instance method fsendDirect
removed Instance method getAnatomicalFitScore
removed Instance method reinitialize
removed Instance method startGlassesRemoval
removed Instance method stopGlassesRemoval
removed Instance method resumeStream
removed Instance method pauseStream
removed Callback onCompleteProfile
removed Callback onProfileLive
removed Callback onGrabbingImage 
removed Callback onSetFramesPatterCoordinates
removed Callback onGetFrameDataById
removed Callback onSetObjectLoading
removed Callback onProtocolsInfos
removed Callback onGetAnatomicalFitScore
removed Callback onExternalPhotoRender
removed Callback onPhotoRender
removed Callback onSwipe
removed Callback removalExperienceEnded
removed Callback removalExperienceStarted
removed Callback backToTryOnFromRemoval