[Integration - Getting started] How to integrate API PD Measurement?

Requirements and options to integrate PD Measurement API


PD Measurement requires a unique apiKey.

If we did not provide you with your apiKey, please contact our customer support.


This integration can be used on any type of page.

  1. Add the script in to the page :

    <script src="https://msrt-integration-api.fittingbox.com/index.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  2. Add an element with the following id to the page that will contain PD Measurement when open :

    <div id="msrt-container"></div>

    This element will receive an iframe with PD Measurement, so it must have a size, for example : 

    #msrt-container { width: 400px; height: 740px; }
  3. Once the script at step 1 is loaded, it will expose a variable called Msrt on the page, use it to open PD Measurement when needed via the function createWidget :

    window.addEventListener("load", function () { // This example load the API PD Measurement on the page. to open thanks to a button for example please refer to https://www.fittingbox.com/en/resources/help-center/fc-how-do-i-integrate-the-tool-on-my-website
      Msrt.createWidget("msrt-container", {
        apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // This is an example apiKey and must be updated with your own apiKey

    - The first parameter is the id of the PD Measurement container from step 2.
    - The second parameter is an object containing the PD Measurement options.






apiKey (required)


The apiKey allowing the use of PD Measurement

Msrt.createWidget("msrt-container", {
apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
// This is an example apiKey and must be updated with your own apiKey



default: false


Add a button to copy the results to clipboard at the end of the experience. Usefull when the results are not programmatically retreived via onGetResultPd (see below)

Msrt.createWidget("msrt-container", {
apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
// This is an example apiKey and must be updated with your own apiKey
pdCopyClipboard: true,



callback function

(result: {
 pd: number,
left?: number,
right?: number
}) => {}


A callback function containing the PD result once the user has finished.

The left and right values can be empty if the user does not have glasses, it is a single PD. Otherwise we have the single PD + left and right mono PDs.

Msrt.createWidget("msrt-container", {
apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
onGetResultPd: (result) => {
console.log('Pupillary distance', result.pd);
console.log('Left', result.left);
console.log('Right', result.right);



callback function

() => {}


A callback function triggered when the user has failed 3 times the experience.

Can be used to know when contacting a user having trouble to get PD measure.

Msrt.createWidget("msrt-container", {
apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
onTooManyErrors: () => {
console.log('Too many errors');




callback function

() => {}


A callback used to notify when the experience is over, after clicking the close button in the top right corner or the “Finish“ button at the end of the experience.

Msrt.createWidget("msrt-container", {
apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
onClose: () => {
   console.log('Closed, hide the msrt-container');




default: false


Set background theme colors as dark.
if value is false, original light colors theme is displayed

see CodePen exemple : here

   Msrt.createWidget("msrt-container", {
apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // This is an example apiKey and must be updated with your own apiKey
darkMode: true,




Set color values for specific area (Hexadecimal)
if any param missing, default value is displayed.
see article  : how to customize colors

see CodePen exemple : here

     theme: { 
        mainColor: mainColor.value,
        buttonTextColor: buttonTextColor.value, // #181B1C default dark mode
        instructionColor: instructionColor.value, // #FFFFFF default dark mode
        colorWrong: colorWrong.value,
        colorMid: colorMid.value,
      colorValid: colorValid.value,


default: false

boolean Disable user rating step by setting parameter to true
  Msrt.createWidget("msrt-container", {

apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // This is an example apiKey and must be updated with your own apiKey
disableNpsRating: true,
