[Integration] PD Measurement minimal requirements

Limitations & requirements

HTTPS protocol required

The website must be HTTPS to be able to use the live mode.

HTTPS protocol is required by some browsers (in particular Google Chrome and Opera) to allow access to the user's camera and other features.

If your website does not provide HTTPS support, the technology won't be available to all your visitors.

See https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/security/encrypt-in-transit/why-https


Operating Systems minimum requirements

Windows, Mac, iOS, Android devices are all fully compatible with PD Measurement.

OS must be up to date with the latest public version (Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android)

Older OS versions might work but are not guaranteed to do so.


Portable devices minimum requirements

In order to access the live try-on feature on Advanced For Website, the user must be on one of the following devices:

  • iOs: iPhone 7 and above 

  • iPad: all versions 

  • Android: Samsung S7 and above / Galaxy Note 7 and above 

  • Windows: Windows 10

  • macOS: Last major


Bandwidth recommendations

There is no bandwidth limitation. Even with a low connection, which may result in longer loading times, the experience will still be accessible.

However, it's recommended to have a minimum bandwidth of 15mbps for optimal performance. A stable 4G connection would guarantee a smooth experience.


Integration in an external iframe

It's not a common scenario to have PD Measurement inside another iframe.

If PD Measurement is used inside an <iframe> element, all the parent iframe must use the following attribute: allow="camera"

<iframe allow="camera" ></iframe>

This will grant access to the camera for the live mode.

See https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/Home/chromium-security/deprecating-permissions-in-cross-origin-iframes


Social network application limitation on mobile

PD Measurement will not be able to access the camera through social network mobile applications.

If a user clicks on a shared link from an application like Twitter, Instagram or Facebook they won't be able to use their camera due to Android and IOS limitations.

In order to have the complete experience with PD Measurement, the user must use a compatible browser (see Requirements > Browser compatibility)

This applies to all applications on IOS and Android.


Fittingbox PD Measurement in non-browser third party native applications (IOS / Android)

Browsers embedded in applications could not be allowed to access the camera.

Compatibility and support are not provided.