Release Notes

All there is to know about what has changed in PD Measurement product: new features, improvements and bug fixes.

Version 1.3.2 - June 10th, 2024

🚀 Features

  • Local languages are now supported: The language displayed is the relevant language, not the default language (English).
    example 1 : French (from Belgium) is now displayed in French. 
    example 2 : Italian (from Swiss) is now display in Italian. 
  • Tutorial videos now include audio: Make the steps easier to understand. The audio is adapted to the product's 9 available languages.

⭐ QoL & UI/UX

  • Link the start of the tutorial video to the stage I'm at in: In the event of user difficulty, the tutorial video will be displayed at the step where the user is having difficulty.

🔧 Bug fixes

  • Error page "Something went wrong": The error page that was no longer displayed is now displayed again.
  • Android & Chrome: we fixed an issue when the access path to the experience was not displayed, resulting in a long loading time and then the error page "Something went wrong".

Version 1.3.0 - March 5th, 2024

🚀 Features

  • New customization with color customization : We added an option to set the colors of the product, mainly the main color of the app. Option available when integrate the product. [link]

  • Integration free - standalone page : We added an, integration-free, stand alone page, allowing you to perform, under your licence, PD Measurement to your customers.

⭐ QoL & UI/UX

  • Improve triangles alignement understanding : We enriched this step with an instruction feedback "move up to down and right to left" , when user spend more 5 secondes to align triangles.

  • Improve card removing rate : on step card positionning we change the wording and add icon to ensure user do not remove the card once the picture is taken.

  • Detect when camera resolution is low : We added a popup alert to notify that the user is not in a proper enviromnent to get best results.
  • Detect when network is slow : We added a popup alert to notify that the user is not in a proper network environment to have a smooth experience.

🔧 Bug fixes

  • Show me help : we fixed an issue when the show me help was displayed at wrong moment, when taking picture of the end-user.

  • Referer : we fixe an issue allowing you to use undisctincly "www.[your domain name]" and "[your domain name]"

Version 1.2.0 - December 21th, 2023

🚀 Features

  • New customization with Dark theme option : We added an option to set the colors of the product in a dark dominant. Option available when integrate the product. [link]

  • Show me help : unfold the help button to pop access to help when user spent too much time on a step.

⭐ QoL & UI/UX

  • Add feedbacks "standback" on every steps: We enriched each steps with standback feedback, when user is detected under the distance limit.

  • Add animations : we added, at different steps, animated loading icons while product is loading or computing.
  • Add new tutorial video for PC users : we added a new video tutorial to fit the users using computers. Displayed only in case of container size associated to computer use.

🔧 Bug fixes

  • Openned camera stream when result displayed: we fixed an issue where the camera stream was on while the user was on result step.

Version 1.1.0 - October 19th, 2023

🚀 Features

  • PC - computer UI available: We added the computers compatibility for measuring your PD. The UI is automaticcaly adapted, based on the container size.

  • Multiple domains: We added the possibility to the refer to allow mulptiple domains names under the same apiKey 

Version 1.0.0 - September 30th, 2023

🚀 Features

First release of the product : please refer to product description articles