
Find the list of supported languages and how the localization is handled

Fittingbox Virtual Try-On Advanced is translated in various languages to provide an understandable user interface and user experience.

By default, the Virtual Try-On Advanced automatically selects the appropriate localization based on the browser's preferred language settings.

However, it is possible for the integration to force a language in the initialisation parameters (see the API Reference > Instantiation parameters > lang).

Here are the currently supported languages:

Language Localization identifier Disclaimer & Legal texts General UI Modules UI
Arabic ar
Bulgarian bg
Czech cs
Danish da
German de
Greek el
English en
Spanish es
Finnish fi
French fr
Croatian hr
Hungarian hu
Italian it
Japanese ja
Korean kr
Dutch nl
Norwegian no
Polish pl
Portuguese pt
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Slovak sk
Slovene sl
Swedish sv
Ukranian uk
Chinese (simplified) zh
Chinese (simplified) zh-cn
Taiwanese (traditional) zh-tw
Hong Kong (traditional) zh-hk
Estonian et
Lituanian lt
Latvian lv