List of all the existing methods and parameters of the Virtual Try-On
Instance methods
addCss(styles: string): void
Adds customized CSS rules in the VTO module underlying `iframe`.
getSnapshot(): void
Takes a snapshot of the VTO module video feed.
The result of the snapshot is retrieved in the `onSnapshot` callback.
resetDisclaimer(): void
Removes the status of the disclaimer in the local storage (see Web Storage).
resetSession(): void
Removes all informations stored in the local storage (see Web Storage).
restartVto(): void
Restarts the VTO protocols.
Should only be called after the starting or the detection protocols failed and the VTO aborted (see the onIssue callback).
setFrame(id: string): void
Changes the current frame being used in the VTO experience.
The `id` is any frame identifier such as an EAN, GTIN, UPC or a SKU.
If the frame identifier is found, the asset is downloaded and then set in the VTO module.
This method does not start the VTO module.
setLang(lang: string): void
Sets the language of the VTO module (see Localization).
setLensesAntireflection(enable: boolean): void
Enables or disables the anti-reflection filter on lenses in the VTO module.
setMode(mode: string): boolean
Changes the current mode of the VTO module.
`mode` can be `live`, `photo` (or `faceshape` when the Faceshape module is activated).
This method does not start the VTO module.
setPupillaryDistance(pupillaryDistance: number): void
Updates the pupillary distance used for the try-on positioning.
If set, the `pupillaryDistance` value will be used to override the default value (default value = 63mm).
setTryonPicture(imgData: string): void
Sets the picture to be used in the VTO module when in `photo` mode.
`imgData` should contain a Base64 encoded image.
This triggers a new photo VTO try-on.
setUiConfiguration(data: object): void
Enables or disables the different UI element in the VTO module.
`data` is an object with the following fields:
data: {
apiKeyIssueMessage: boolean;
frameIssueMessage: boolean;
liveCameraAccessDenied: boolean;
liveDetectionFailure: boolean;
liveLensesAnimations: boolean;
livePhotoButton: boolean;
liveRelaunchDetectionButton: boolean;
loadingIndicator: boolean;
networkIssueMessage: boolean;
photoLiveButton: boolean;
photoRenderError: boolean;
photoWelcomeScreen: boolean;
setUserInfo(data: object): void
Updates user information, such as the gender and/or the pupillary distance.
If set, the `gender` attribute is used to set an average pupillary distance value of 62mm for `f = female` and 64mm for `m = male`. Similarly, if set, the `pupillaryDistance` value will be used to override the default value (default value = 63mm).
`data` is an object with the following fields:
data: { gender?: "f" | "m", pupillaryDistance?: number }
setZoomFactor(zoomFactor: number): void
Zooms in the camera feed.
startVto(mode: string): void
Starts the VTO module in the specified `mode`.
`mode` can be `live`, `photo` (or `faceshape` when the Faceshape module is activated).
For `mode` == `live` (and `faceshape`), this will result in the camera feed being opened which will prompt, if needed, the user for camera access and switch on the camera access indicators.
stopVto(): void
Stops the VTO module.
When the current mode is `live` (or `faceshape`), this will result in the camera feed being closed, which will switch off the camera access indicators.
Instance callbacks
onAgreePrivacyTerms: () => void
Triggered when the user agrees the privacy terms or if the privacy terms are accepted in the local storage.
onDisagreePrivacyTerms: () => void
Triggered when the user disagrees the privacy terms.
onIssue: (data: object) => void
Triggered when an issue is impairing the user experience (see related How-to guide).
`data` is an object with the following field:
data: {
cameraAccessDenied: boolean;
detectionFailed: boolean;
frameNotFound: boolean;
highLatency: boolean;
licenseNotFound: boolean;
liveIncompatibleBrowser: boolean;
liveIncompatibleOS: boolean;
noCameraFound: boolean;
poseInvalid: boolean;
protocolFailed: boolean;
removalLowPerformances: boolean;
serverNotResponding: boolean;
trackingLost: boolean;
onLiveStatus: (data: onLiveStatusType) => void
Triggered when the status of the VTO module in `live` mode changes (see related How-to guide).
`data` is an object with the following fields:
data: {
faceTracking: boolean; // Is the user's face tracked
glassesReady: boolean; // Is the digital frame ready to be displayed
hasStream: boolean; // Is the camera stream opened
removalActive: boolean; // Is the Frame Removal module active
userHasGlasses: boolean; // Is the digital frame displayed in VTO
onModeLive: () => void
Triggered when the VTO module switches to `live` mode.
This may happen when the user clicks on the `livePhotoButton`from `photo` mode to `live` mode.
onModePhoto: () => void
Triggered when the VTO module switches to `photo` mode.
This may happen when the user clicks on the `livePhotoButton` from `live` mode to `photo` mode as well as if the VTO experience switches to `photo` mode for compatibility reasons.
onOpenStream: (value: { success: boolean }) => void
Triggered when the camera feed is successfully opened and is displayed in the VTO module.
onPhotoRender: (result: object) => void
Triggered when a requested photo VTO render has been processed and the response is received.
This coincides with the render being displayed in the VTO module (if the render has been successful).
`data` is an object with the following fields:
data: {
success: boolean;
frame: string;
data: string; // rendered image in base64
errorDetail: string;
onPrivacyTermsShown: () => void
Triggered when the privacy terms are shown in the VTO module.
This callback is not triggered when the privacy terms are accepted in the local storage.
onSnapshot: (data: onSnapshotType) => void
Triggered after a call to `getSnapshot`, when the image is available.
`data` is an object with the following fields:
data: {
dataUrl: string; // image in base64
height: number;
width: number;
onStopVto: () => void
Triggered when the VTO module has been correctly stopped, i.e. the camera has been properly released.
onUiStatus: (data: onUiStatusType) => void
Triggered on any UI element visibility change.
`data` is an object with the following fields:
data: {
apiKeyIssueMessage: boolean;
frameIssueMessage: boolean;
liveCameraAccessDenied: boolean;
liveDetectionFailure: boolean;
liveLensesAnimations: boolean;
liveLensesAnimationsActive: boolean;
livePhotoButton: boolean;
liveRelaunchDetectionButton: boolean;
loadingIndicator: boolean;
networkIssueMessage: boolean;
photoLiveButton: boolean;
photoRenderError: boolean;
photoWelcomeScreen: boolean;
removalAdjustmentArrows: boolean;
Instantiation parameters
apiKey: string (mandatory)
Sets the `apikey` used in the VTO module to check the license informations.
css: string
Adds custom CSS rules to the VTO module to override default style.
dataPrivacyDisclaimerTexts: object
Changes the different texts used in the privacy terms.
The value is an object with the following fields:
shortText?: string;
longText?: string;
agreeButton?: string;
disagreeButton?: string;
frame: string
Sets the frame to load for the VTO experience.
The `id` is any frame identifier such as an EAN, GTIN, UPC or a SKU.
If the frame identifier is found, the asset is downloaded and then set in the VTO module.
height: number
Sets the height of the VTO module underlying `iframe`.
lang: string
Sets the language of the VTO module (see Localization).
If `lang` is not set, the VTO module will use a default language based on the browser settings (see Localization).
popupIntegration: object
Sets the VTO module to be opened in a native pop-up.
The value is an object with the following fields:
centeredHorizontal: boolean;
centeredVertical: boolean;
height: number | string;
horizontal: string {'left', 'right'};
horizontalOffset: string; // Ex: '10px'
vertical: string {'top', 'bottom'};
verticalOffset: string; // Ex: '10px'
width: number | string;
uiConfiguration: object
Sets the different UI elements' visibility.
The value is an object with the following fields:
apiKeyIssueMessage: boolean;
frameIssueMessage: boolean;
liveCameraAccessDenied: boolean;
liveDetectionFailure: boolean;
liveLensesAnimations: boolean;
liveLensesAnimationsActive: boolean;
livePhotoButton: boolean;
liveRelaunchDetectionButton: boolean;
loadingIndicator: boolean;
networkIssueMessage: boolean;
photoLiveButton: boolean;
photoRenderError: boolean;
photoWelcomeScreen: boolean;
width: number
Sets the width of the VTO module underlying `iframe`.
Product API methods
Checks if a list of frames are available for the product, i.e. if a virtual asset exists to do VTO and if it is compatible with the viewer.
This endpoint is limited to a list of 150 frames per call.
- apiKey: string (required), your apiKey for the VTO Advanced product
- uidList: string (required), a list of frame identifiers (skus, EANs, UPCs, GTINs), comma-separated
Returns a JSON payload with, for each frame, its availability status and viewer compatibility
Example of the result payload:
{ "uid": [REQUESTED_ID_#1], "available": true/false, "viewerCompatible": true/false },
{ "uid": [REQUESTED_ID_#2], "available": true/false, "viewerCompatible": true/false },