Fittingbox Introduces Diminished Reality Technology That Is Both Immersive and Interactive, Available on Any Mobile Device.
Eyelasses wearers can now try on new frames clearly and accurately with
our glasses removal tool.
Frame Removal is a unique and powerful module of Fittingbox Virtual Try-On that virtually removes the glasses worn on the user's face.
It replaces them with a 3D digitized frame in real time, allowing the customer to view a new pair of eyeglasses without blurry vision.
Frame Removal
World Premiere revealed at CES 2022, Las Vegas, NV.
Detection of the user's real glasses
Virtual removing of the real glasses
Virtual glasses added for try-on
Anyone who wears eyeglasses (roughly 600 million of us) instantly understands the problem Fittingbox is trying to solve: A visit to the store to try on new eyeglasses is inevitably a blurry experience, since to see yourself in a new pair means removing that which allows us to see in the first place.
As consumers shopping for glasses have no choice but to look at themselves through an unprescribed lens, they are inevitably observing an unclear image of themselves, thus depending on the opinion of others before purchasing.
This allows customers to see how they look with certain frames without corrective lenses.
Sometimes you see a product idea that is so obvious you wonder why no one created it sooner. Fittingbox lets you try on new frames for eyewear without taking off your old glasses, so you can actually see what you look like as you try them on.
Provide a powerful eyeglasses shopping experience
Offer a groundbreaking tool with a "Wow effect" and stand out from competition
Boost your omnichannel strategy with a cross-device solution
Frame Removal lets your customers choose their new frames confidently and effortlessly. This powerful glasses removal tool works on all faces, all backgrounds and latest-generation devices, including phones, tablets and laptops.
Choosing new frames for glasses wearers has never been easier: no blurry vision and no need to rely on another person's biased opinion anymore!
Frame Removal is the result of 7 years of research and development and the reason why Fittingbox was originally created.
Backed by 16 international patents, this groundbreaking Dismished Reality tool provides a never-seen-before experience that will make you stand out from competition.
Directly embedded into Fittingbox Virtual Try-On Advanced, Frame Removal is a module that works hand-in-hand with our leading and customizable virtual try-on of frames.
It means that there is no integration required to enjoy this world premiere. It's as easy as it sounds to remove glasses from your face!
Frame Removal is based on both Machine Learning and Deep Learning, two sub-fields of Artificial Intelligence.
This ground-breaking tool detects each pixel of the glasses worn by the users and then classifies them into 3 categories: background, lenses and frame.
This process allows real glasses to be virtually removed, letting the user try on glasses as if they were not wearing any physical frames.
Access to 195k+ digital frames representing 1.200+ brands available for virtual try-on.
Virtual try-on of different tints, coatings and photochromic lenses.
Realistic viewing of 3D glasses allowing users to manipulate, zoom & see frames in detail.
Reliable Pupillary Distance Measurement solution for ecommerce
Fittingbox Introduces Diminished Reality Technology That Is Both Immersive and Interactive, Available on Any Mobile Device.
With this product, Fittingbox established even more itself as a deep tech company, working with technologies like machine learning, computer vision, deep learning, and artificial intelligence.
Fittingbox made its inaugural debut to present its world premiere: Frame Removal, a diminished reality solution for glasses wearers.
Request a free demo, a free quote or set up an appointment with one of our sales representatives.
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