Could you give a brief description of your company?
Alessandro RIGATO: "First and foremost, De Rigo is a family with a fascinating history, worth telling and sharing.
That is a convergence of experience, reliability, and resourcefulness.
It was founded in 1978 by the brothers Ennio and Walter De Rigo as a small company of artisans working in the area of Belluno. In the following years, De Rigo SpA grew tremendously, becoming a leading Group in the glasses market.
The Group's products are distributed in over 80 countries, through 16 branches with 4 retail divisions and over 100 independent distributors."
Could you describe your role within your company?
A.R: "At De Rigo I work as Digital Specialist for the House brand Police. I directly manage the agencies that help us evolve the online presence of the brand through social media, advertising investments and PR collaborations, as well as in the daily maintenance of the website.
My role with licensees is to follow their needs in terms of communication on official Police channels and keep the collections up-to-date on our website (additions and terminations).
I personally follow the allocation of the media budget on the channels together with Police brand manager, the reporting activity and the results sharing with all the group's subsidiaries, to create a constantly updated knowledge of the brand's online performances."
What challenges/problems in your business or industry influenced you to look for a solution such FitMix?
A.R: "The Sunglasses and optical frames are usually products that end consumers would rather buy only offline. We were searching for a partner that could improve the visibility of our products online.
Thanks to the VTO our consumers can try-on their favourite eyewear models on our website and then search for the closest shop with the store locator."
What was your main goal?
A.R: "Our goal was and still is, try to improve the visibility and awareness of Police brand and products."
What criteria did you have in mind by looking for this type of solution?
A.R: "We were looking for…."
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