While all buyers progress through similar stages – awareness, consideration, decision – progress is as often as varied as the individual customers. The ability of consumers to explore multiple physical and digit channels to engage with your store means there is simply no clear path from point A to point B.
One customer may commence their journey researching online. Another may be inspired by an influencer on Instagram or other social media. Yet another may make an impulse buy after being attracted by an online ad. This essentially means every buyer’s shopping journey can be unique.
To make your eyewear store a success, it is important to have a presence on multiple channels and that you integrate all your channels, processes and strategies. This will help meet the needs of consumers and nurture that lead no matter what stage of the journey the buyer is in. This approach is known as omnichannel marketing and how it can be applied, we will illustrate with three separate journeys.
Journey n°1 – Paula, passerby and potential customer
Paula is around 30 and a potential customer. While strolling through a shopping district on her way to meet friends, she stops in front of your storefront. Her attention has been captured by the interactive window that allows passersby to virtually try on frames in 3D from outside your store.
Captivated, Paula tries on several pairs of glasses. She finds the interaction amusing but, well, she already has a good pair of reading glasses and an attractive pair of sunglasses. Another pair would be an indulgence. But, she acknowledges, she does look good in your frames.
Paula is at the very beginning of a sales funnel. She is not your customer yet, but she is being enticed and could quickly become one. Paula could be nurtured at this point by the use of one powerful four-letter word – SALE. She has already shown interest and that positive feeling of grabbing a bargain has a universal, constant appeal.
But Paula’s appointment with friends at a nearby café is pressing, so even if the word SALE was flashing, she moves on, but this does not mean she is lost to you.
While meeting with her friends, Paula’s thoughts return to the glasses she viewed in your storefront and she mentions the fun experience to her friends. After leaving, Paula uses her mobile to visit your website curious to see if the frames are as attractive as she remembers – they are! She notes you offer an integrated virtual try-on module.
When she returns home, Paula uses her laptop to try on several pairs. She grabs images of her favorites and forwards them to her friends asking them for their opinions. “Doll, those sunglasses are so you. They light up your amazing cheekbones,” messages back her best friend Julia, referring to a pair of tear-drop sunglasses.
Paula adds the frames Julia likes plus another pair that she personally favors to her wish list.
A few days later, Paula returns to the shopping center and visits your store. Her sunglasses are a few years old and to be honest, showing signs of wear-and-tear, so she could use an update. While in the store, she asks to physically try on the frames that have caught her eye. Both look great, but Paula admits Julia, was right, the teardrop sunglasses do really draw attention to her cheekbones and forehead.
Convinced, Paula buys the sunglasses straightaway, but this is no impulsive decision. Paula has had your brand in her mind ever since you aroused her interest via the shop window.
Why this works as an omnichannel buyer journey?
Paula has had had multiple touchpoints with you along the way using various devices. She moved seamlessly between the physical world and the digital one and back again. She found each interaction simple, intuitive and enjoyable. Throughout it all, you were continually present, ready to close the sale and convert Paula from a potential to actual sale.
The way such a journey could be further enhanced is by capitalizing on Paula’s interest by making sure she knows she can ask for help or advice at any time. Even if Paula doesn’t need help immediately, she will appreciate the offer.
The same will apply to Anton, who we will meet in our next journey.
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