Eyewear Shopify Store: 6 Best Practices to Increase Conversions

07 March 2024 • 7 min read


Shopify is today one of the most widely used CMS (content management system) platforms in the world. In the United States, nearly 29% of e-commerce sites are based on Shopify. Easy to use, the platform does not necessarily require development knowledge and has a wide library of applications to optimize its online store. Brands and online eyewear sellers are therefore very present on Shopify. These sites also do not hesitate to use des Shopify eyewear applications to generate more sales and improve their customer journey.

Beyond these tools, how do online eyewear sites stand out from the competition? How do they encourage visitors to become customers?

In this article, we will look at best practices to follow for a Shopify site to convert its visitors into customers. We will see how to optimize catalog pages, product pages, as well as the purchasing process. Because there is an important question to address: how to instill confidence in online eyewear buyers?

I. Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is the percentage representing the portion of purchases on your site compared to the total number of visitors. It is the main metric to follow in e-commerce because it reflects your ability to turn a prospect into a customer. Here, we're talking about a macro conversion, as the key objective of your Shopify site is the sale of eyewear..

The average conversion rate on Shopify

The average conversion rate for Shopify sites is approximately 1.4% in 2024. Of course, this average varies depending on the industry and the country in which you are selling.
According to LittleData's data, with a conversion rate higher than 3.3%, your site will be among the top 20% of Shopify sites in terms of conversion. It is indeed possible to aim for a 5% conversion rate in a specific market such as eyewear.
Conversely, below 0.5%, the conversion rate is considered too low. Optimization actions are therefore necessary to turn your visitors into customers.

Infographie du taux de conversion moyen Shopify

En continuant la lecture de cet article, vous découvrirez quelques actions permettant d'augmenter significativement votre taux de conversion dans la vente de lunettes en ligne.

Different types of conversions

There are also other conversions called micro-conversions. These are intermediate steps such as subscribing to a newsletter, adding to cart, or creating a customer account. While less important than the key conversion, which is the purchase or order, they still allow you to measure your site's performance. By monitoring these performances, you can more easily identify at which stage of the sales funnel there is a blockage.

To go further, here are different conversion steps to consider to increase your long-term revenue:

  1. Convert visitor to lead  Encouraging visitors to sign up for the newsletter or create an account can be a crucial first step in establishing a relationship with potential customers.
  2. Convert lead to customer: Offering targeted promotions, personalized recommendations, or satisfaction guarantees can help convert leads into actual customers.
  3. Convert customer to loyal customer: Implementing a loyalty program, sending exclusive offers to loyal customers, or soliciting feedback and reviews can foster customer loyalty.

Check out our dedicated webinar: Actions for Maximizing Sales on Shopify store

II. Mobile-First

The Share of Mobile Visitors

In 2024, it is crucial to think mobile-first when building your e-commerce site. Indeed, 60% of online sales are made on mobile devices. Beyond this figure, and even if the final purchasing decision is not made on mobile, there is a very high chance that your customer has visited your website at least once via their smartphone. Over 75% of e-commerce site visits occur on mobile.

Of course, these figures are increasing compared to previous years, and the share of mobile traffic will be even greater in the future.

The Importance of Responsiveness

Having an eyewear e-commerce site that works equally well on PC, laptop, mobile, or tablet is what we call being responsive. Regardless of the device, navigation should remain smooth for the user; there should be no friction. A poor experience could potentially negate a sales opportunity.
Here are the key advantages of a responsive site::

  • Automatically adjusts images to screen size,,
  • Provides consistent navigation across different devices,
  • Offers a more enjoyable user experience,
  • Provides smooth and more intuitive navigation.

Responsive User Experience for Eyewear E-commerce

Search Engine Optimization

Search engines, whether Google or Bing, primarily rely on mobile versions to rank sites. Their algorithms will therefore check that your eyewear e-commerce site is optimized for mobile.

The better your online store is designed for mobile devices, the more likely it is to appear in a good position in search results, which can increase its visibility and attract more qualified traffic.


III. Smooth product presentation

To increase conversions on your Shopify site, it's also essential that your products are showcased effectively. The catalog page, product pages, and the overall design of your site should be optimized.

An Intuitive Catalog Page

The navigation of your catalog pages should be simple and intuitive. Your eyewear collections should be easily identifiable, and your products should be consistent with the category or collection they are associated with.
For example, when your visitor browses your collection of men's sunglasses, the displayed products should match these criteria.
Additionally, a best practice is to allow users to filter your products so they can quickly find what they're looking for.
Several techniques can optimize your catalog pages:

  • Display clear category names to guide users to the right place,
  • Offer navigation filters (filter by gender, shape, price, color) to simplify the discovery of your catalog,
  • Display optimized image thumbnails to visually present your products,
  • Add action buttons like "add to cart" or "wishlist" to engage users, Include essential information such as price and product name to ensure the user is properly informed.
    Eyewear Catalog Page with Filters

A Structured Product Page

Optimizing the product page is, of course, a crucial element in boosting the conversion rate of your eyewear e-commerce. By offering a structured page with the right information and well-positioned action buttons, you encourage the purchasing process. Always keep the user experience at the center of the conversion. Here are some best practices to follow for your product page:

  • Provide a detailed product description, including technical specifications (materials, dimensions, color, and size),
  • Place add to cart and purchase buttons in strategic locations to simplify the click action,
  • Add reassurance elements to encourage visitors to take action (delivery times, free returns, etc.),
  • Integrate customer reviews to boost potential buyers' confidence, Display high-quality product images to showcase your frames.

Eyewear pictures in HQ

Naturally, displaying high-quality photos is essential to entice customers to purchase your glasses. By visually presenting your frames from multiple angles (front, side, 3/4), you allow visitors to examine your product thoroughly. With HD images of glasses, you reinforce trust and encourage purchases. Contextual photos with glasses being worn are also necessary for the user. Here's why having quality product photos is essential:

  • Help customers envision themselves with the product,
  • Reduce uncertainty associated with online purchases,
  • Reassure consumers about the reliability of your site,
  • Differentiate yourself from competing brands.

The Advantage of Shopify Themes

Shopify themes provide a significant advantage for designing your catalog and product pages. They allow you to start with a preconceived base and customize it according to your needs. These themes generally offer an optimized structure for presenting products and already come with integrated features such as image galleries, clear description sections, and well-positioned call-to-action buttons.

Shopify Theme for Eyewear E-commerce

4. Immersive Experience

To increase conversions on your online eyewear store, the user experience must be engaging. Even with the best products, you won't convert your visitors into customers if they don't enjoy navigating and exploring your e-commerce site.
Several elements can help you offer an immersive shopping experience on your Shopify store.

3D Visualization

In addition to the HD product images mentioned earlier for showcasing your frames, offering a 3D visualization feature is a real asset. With this digital technology, you can:

  • Allow customers to see the glasses from all angles,
  • Enable users to zoom in, rotate, and explore product details,
  • Further increase customer confidence in your frames.

With 3D visualization, you ultimately provide an experience similar to that of a physical store. However, you can go even further in this immersion, particularly with online virtual try-on.

Online Virtual Try-On

Based on augmented reality, glasses virtual try-on is an innovative technology that can greatly enhance the shopping experience on your Shopify website. It allows customers to virtually try on your glasses before purchasing them, offering significant benefits for both users and your brand.

  • For users:
    • See how the glasses fit their face, simulating an in-store try-on experience,
    • Allow users to try on different styles and colors of glasses to find the pair that matches their style and preferences,
    • Reduce the risk of doubts and dissatisfaction after purchase,
    • Enjoy an entertaining experience that can be shared.

  • For your brand:
    • Gain a competitive advantage through a unique and innovative experience,
    • Reduce the number of returns due to customer dissatisfaction,
    • Increase customer engagement and strengthen the relationship with your brand.

5. Confidence in the Purchasing Decision

The pivotal turning point that will transform your visitor into a buyer is trust. In their purchasing decision, the potential customer must be convinced by the product but also feel no doubt in the purchase. The slightest doubt could lead them to abandon the purchase. For selling glasses on your Shopify site, you can utilize the following methods:

  • Virtual Try-On : as mentioned in the previous section, this technology not only offers an immersive experience but also reinforces the visitor's confidence in your product. With this augmented reality-based feature, the user can ensure that the pair suits their style and face shape.
  • Size Guarantee: combined with virtual try-on, size guarantee is essential and provides further reassurance in the purchasing decision. This feature allows virtual try-on based on the user's pupillary distance to show how the pair appears on the face, with the actual size.
  • Pupillary Distance Measurement: with an online PD measurement tool, you ensure customers find the pair with the right size. This will also facilitate try-on with size guarantee, reassuring customers that the glasses will fit their face, thereby alleviating their concerns.,
  • Free returns: by offering free returns (for example, within 30 days), you provide even more confidence to your customer. It's also a favorable element for retention as it proves that buying on your Shopify site is risk-free.confiance et fidélisation client dans l'achat de lunettes

6. Customer Loyalty

To encourage future conversions from your existing customers, it's important to focus on retention rates. This refers to the portion of your customers who come back to make a new purchase. In the eyewear industry, this rate is significant because it's not uncommon for the same person to order multiple pairs from the same site based on trends and seasonality. We've even created a guide explaining the different inspirations of glasses wearers.

Therefore, you must maintain a strong customer relationship on your Shopify eyewear site. Here are some effective strategies to achieve this goal and positively impact customer loyalty:

  • Personalized communication: providing personalized content and offers, or recommendations based on previous purchases, helps strengthen engagement. This encourages customers to return for new purchases.
  • Tailored customer service: fast and tailored customer service helps quickly resolve any issues and shows customers they are valued, thereby enhancing their attachment to the brand.
  • Loyalty program: an attractive loyalty program, such as reward points or exclusive discounts, encourages customers to make new purchases on your site.
  • Customer's feedback: gathering customer feedback and taking it into account will allow you to improve your site and better meet consumer expectations. This promotes customer satisfaction and loyalty.



Although this article primarily focuses on Shopify sites and their features, the strategies outlined above are actually replicable for any e-commerce site. Whether you're a glasses brand or a reseller, the rules of best practices remain the same. Always keep in mind that your visitors should be guided throughout their navigation.
From discovering your catalog to adding items to the cart and through to the checkout process, it's essential to keep them confident about their purchasing decision. Even after the purchase, ensuring customer loyalty can only be beneficial for your conversion rate.

Finally, it's crucial to understand the different profiles of eyewear shoppers to better meet their expectations and optimize your future sales. You now know which key actions to implement to increase conversions on your Shopify glasses site.



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